Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Travel To Rome & Staying Safe


Travel Rome: Staying Safe

Rome is generally considered a safe place to enjoy a vacation but as with any big city you are better off if you don’t look like a tourist. You shouldn’t have your camcorder or expensive camera out for everyone to see. Keep your valuables and money in the safest place possible, especially when traveling. As with anywhere you go, use common sense with traveling.

Travel Rome: More Safety Tips

When you are traveling on the Termini, Esquilino, and bus you should take extra precaution with your valuables as these areas are subject to more crime. It is wise to read up on all of the tourist scams to help you avoid becoming a victim when you are trying to relax and have a nice vacation.
The majority of crimes that take place are pick-pocketing and purse stealing in crowded areas but luckily there are low numbers of violent crimes. The police in Italy are usually friendly and always helpful. The Carabinieri in black uniforms are the military police, the blue and grey uniforms are the Polizia which are civilians but both do the same things. The Guardi di Finanza in grey uniforms handles all customs work.
If you are a victim of robbery then it is vital that you find the nearest police station and report it. Otherwise you could jeopardize your travel insurance claim and be left empty handed.
Rome has two rival Serie A football clubs including the A.S. Roma and the S. S. Lazio which have a long history of fighting and rioting between them. For those who are brave enough to show support for either team be prepared to endure heckling and confrontation for opposing fans. During the Rome Derby when both teams play against each other it is wise to stay close to your fellow supporters and enjoy the game in peace.

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